Our story is just getting started but our mission is crystal clear

CrossFit Ryborn is a unique concept - the alliance between training and sharing,
fun and challenge, efforts and results

The mission of Ryborn

You give the first impulse, we take care of the rest.

You are looking for a more active and social life ? You want to feel better in your body and mind ? 

The mission of Ryborn is to provide you with the keys to succeed in implementing these desired life changes. Our varied trainings and team spirit will help you stick to it. 

No feelings of failure nor regrets – we are dedicated to make your objectives come true.

"Our philosophy is to propose an optimal environment to motivate anyone who wishes to get in good physical and mental shape, thanks to CrossFit !"

Our values

The CrossFit Ryborn community relies on 3 fundamental values : 
self-improvement, mutual support and fun atmosphere

Self-improvement is the one ingredient necessary to transformation. We will help you to draw in your resources and make you gradually surpass your actual limits. Your are far from realizing your inner strength !

Mutual support is a real pillar of CrossFit. Everyday, the members are bonding through shared training and encourage each other to give their maximum. A strong community is the stand that will support you when motivation is lower. A precious advantage to sustain a new lifestyle in the long run ! 

Fun is essential to come training in a good mood. Whether it is through challenges, exercices in duo or special events, we will never miss an occasion to have fun together.  A positive attitude is the best asset when embarking a fitness journey !

Come try a free CrossFit Class at Ryborn